Programs & Classes
Learn English
Free tutoring for adults who speak other languages.
Our English Language Learner Program offers free tutoring services for adults who speak another language and want to learn or improve their English language skills.
How it Works
English tutoring is free for adults who live in Whatcom County.
Learners are carefully assigned to a volunteer tutor. that best matches their needs.
The coordinator and tutor will help the learner identify their goals.
Learners will meet with this tutor two times per week to work on these goals together.
Each tutoring session is coordinated at a time that fits the learner's schedule.
Each tutoring session is held in a public location within the learner's community.
All tutoring is customized and confidential.
Brandi Adams
English Language Learner (ELL) Coordinator
(360) 685-6756
Languages Spoken
What You Can Achieve
Learn or improve English speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills.
Prepare for U.S. citizenship.
Get a U.S. driver's license.
Prepare for a GED (General Educational Development) test.
Learn or improve basic computer skills.
Increase employment opportunities.
Gain the skills necessary to continue your education.​​